Here is your new WSTC Board for 2015-2016! We elect positions by year, so for 2015 we elected odd-numbered seats. Next year in May 2016, it will be even-numbered seats.
Position 1: Chris Bast
Position 2: Amanda Kay Helmick
Position 3: Mark Jacobs
Position 4: Deb Barker
Position 5: Ray Krueger
Position 6: Michael Taylor-Judd
Position 7: Thomas Linde
Position 8: Marci Carpenter
Position 9: Jon Wright
Position 10: Martin Westerman
Position 11: Larry Wymer
The board internally will choose a new staff of officers between our May and June meetings. Joe Szilagyi and Victoria Nelson both opted to not run again for the board in this cycle.
To read more about the new Board members, click here to read their candidate statements from last month.