WSTC Board

WSTC Officers:

  • Chair: Michael Taylor-Judd
  • Vice Chair: Jon Wright
  • Secretary: Katherine Wells

Current WSTC Board Members:

Position 1: vacant

Position 2: vacant

Position 3: vacant

Position 4: Deb Barker

debbarker-wstcA West Seattleite since 1985, I’m an enthusiastic supporter of my adopted home.  I retired after 21 years as a land use planner for a large suburban city, and I’ve had a great time volunteering on behalf of my community. Currently I’m president of the Morgan Community Association, and a member of the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board. I’m a past member of the SW Design Review Board and the SW Seattle Historical Society. I joined the SWTC as an interim board member because I believe in being proactive about our transportation future. I appreciate the peninsula-wide focus of the WSTC, and I’d like to continue to help guide this important organization as an elected board member.

Position 5: vacant

Position 6: Michael Taylor-Judd

Picture of Michael Taylor-JuddMichael Taylor-Judd, Transportation Chair of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council, and active member of the 34th District Democrats, has been a local political activist since he moved to Seattle to canvass door-to-door in West Seattle for statewide healthcare reform 15 years ago. Since arriving from Southern California, he has been active in marriage equality and transportation issues and grassroots organizing the Democratic Party. He’s helped to bring a bus-service funding problem to the attention of King County Metro, in which Seattle was slated to receive only 20 percent of Metro’s monies, even though it accounts for 75 percent of bus service, fought for improvements to local bus routes, and helped North Delridge get a new traffic signal at the top of Genessee and the 26th Ave Greenway.

Position 7: vacant

Position 8: Katherine Wells

I have lived in the Seattle area for most of my life and have been a resident of West Seattle since 2001. My interest in transportation stems from using many modes–walking, driving, cycling, and bus–and observing how they work and don’t work.

Our area has changed a lot over time, but I feel like we’re on the cusp of an even bigger shift. The threat of climate change forces us to work towards more sustainable transportation solutions. Making non-car modes of travel safer and more convenient gives everyone more options for getting around. Plus, exploring your community and surrounding areas outside the wall of a care is a lot of fun! If we can lay the groundwork now it will be easier ofr my kids’ generation and beyond to choose sustainable and healthy transportation.

Position 9: Jon Wright

Picture of Jon WrightJon Wright grew up on the East Coast, moved to Seattle in 1983, and was here until 2006. He then moved around for work, living in Chicago, Washington, D.C., Portland, and rural Alaska. Jon moved back to Seattle at the end of 2013 and now lives in Seaview with his wife and three children.

Jon has worked in IT for twenty years and in aviation operations for ten. His previous careers have led to the best job of all: stay-at-home dad.

Position 10: vacant

Position 11: vacant





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