The West Seattle Transportation Coalition voted in our September 2014 meeting to ask our membership whether or not we should endorse for or against, or neither, the Prop 1 measure to save bus service on City of Seattle ballots this November. This is the “city only” version of the countywide Prop 1 measure we voted on in April. If you’ll recall, the county version failed countywide, but passed convincingly inside the city. Now we’re going to do that vote again, city only, in November.
Please take a few minutes to read this PDF letter from us with full details, including a pro and con view, for and against endorsing. Please e-mail to to let us know your views.
For those of you receiving these emails, which are members of the groups that comprise the WSTC, please take this to your groups by e-mail and by your meetings. The WSTC board will take it up one last time on Tuesday, October 14th, based on the feedback from all of you and your groups.
Thanks, and we hope to see you in October’s meeting!