2015 Move Seattle levy survey results

On June 26, in response to ongoing concerns and comments the West Seattle Transportation Coalition heard about the make up and composition of the pending Move Seattle levy, we launched a very basic survey to get the temperature of the public on it. The main criticisms we heard, observed, and received were related either to the specific projects in the levy and/or the the taxing solutions that the Mayor and City Council had selected. On the same day that we launched the survey, the City Council voted 8-0 to send the Move Seattle levy to voters in the November 2015 general election.

Here are the survey results, based on 476 responses.

(click on each image for larger sizes)

Question 1: 


Question 2:


Question 3:


Question 4:


Question 5:

This was a follow on, additional question for any user who selected an option that they were unhappy with the funding mechanism(s) chosen for Move Seattle by Mayor Murray and the City Council.


Please note that in May 2014, the WSTC conducted a similar straw poll on funding mechanisms for “Keep Seattle Moving/Prop 1”, the Metro funding ballot measure, after it was revealed that the tax costs for it would be set upon car tabs and sales taxes only by the Mayor and City Council. The survey results are similar, as seen here from 1,288 votes last year:


Thank you from the West Seattle Transportation Coalition.

For taking this survey and advising us in person, by e-mail, online on Facebook and Twitter, and in various meetings and forums. We’re all residents and volunteers here in the area, taking our guidance from all of you on what problems to tackle. We can always use more help, as well. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month from January through October at Neighborhood House High Point, 6400 Sylvan Way SW.

We can always use more help!

This September, we are planning a candidate forum for the finalists from our City Council primary elections in August, focusing on transportation issues.

You can find us online at this website, and:

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