We’re looking for Committee volunteers! YOU can fix our problems.

The West Seattle Transportation Coalition is made up of the following Committees, and is looking for volunteers. To join any of them or for more information about them, please email to info@westseattletc.org. You will be joining a team of twenty committed local volunteers.

Outreach Committee

  • What Outreach does: The evangelists. Engagement with businesses, community groups, special interest groups and individuals for recruiting into the coalition, education, and to collect feedback for the coalition to act upon.
  • Chair: Deb Barker

Communications Committee

  • What Communications does: The geeks and skunkworks operators. Manages the WSTC’s online presences; conducting annual/bi-annual Issues Surveys; writing press releases; managing and facilitating communications between other advocacy groups. Sometimes serving as the squeaky wheel for the other committees.
  • Chair: Joe Szilagyi

Research and Solutions Committee

  • What R&S does: The technical people and planners. Develops and adjusts the West Seattle Peninsula Transportation Master Plan by receiving and disseminating research info from Outreach, Communications & Meetings. Works directly with DPS, SDOT, WSDOT, EPA, etc. for research on technical, planning, and transportation solutions.
  • Chair: Kevin Broveleit

Action Committee

  • What Action does: The advocates. Meets with officials (elected and otherwise); agencies; goes to and holds rallies; engages directly with whomever is required for West Seattle to get commitments for solutions.
  • Chair: Amanda Kay Helmick


How do the committees work to improve transportation on the West Seattle Peninsula? Something like this:

Want to join a committee to improve your community?
Send an e-mail to: info@westseattletc.org

Updated: December 2, 2013 — 8:51 am
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